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Current Students:

Mackenzie / Smiling Water Ramsay, Citizen Métis Nation of Ontario
Indigenous Studies Candidate, Trent University
Dissertation title: “Quilting remembrance: A way of picking up our individual and collective
responsibilities toward Mother Earth and the continuation of ALL life”
Committee Member

Samantha Roan Benisibekwe/ Yotinahiskwew, Mishkosiminoziibing (Big Grassy First Nation)
Indigenous Studies PhD Student, Trent University
Dissertation Working title: “The Deadly Miseducation of Healthcare Providers – Anti-Indigenous
Medical Racism in Canada”

Shelley Knott Fife, Curve Lake First Nation
PhD Candidate Indigenous Studies, Trent University
Research:  “Re-Imagining Special Education for Indigenous Children”
Committee Member

Joëlle Rondeau, Settler of French-Canadian Québécois descent  
Indigenous Studies PhD candidate, Trent University
Dissertation research topic: a collaborative case study on the cross-cultural communication of Indigenous Astronomical and Sky Knowledges through full dome projection projects
Committtee Member

Noodinong-Bemosed Christianson, Biigtigoon Nishnaabeg Member
Indigenous/Canadian Studies MA, Trent University
Thesis title: “Urban Anishinaabekwewag: (Re)claiming Our Traditional Roles and Responsibilities in Urban Spaces”
Committee Member

Heléna Mauti 
Sustainability Studies, MA, Trent University 
Major Research Paper title: "Imagining the Future of Indigenous-Led Conservation:  Advancing
Sovereignty and Resurgence of Indigenous Nations" 
Committee Member

Caitlin Veri
Indigenous/Canadian Studies MA Student, Trent University 
Thesis Research: “The effectiveness of using traditional Haudenosaunee arts for managing
mental health. 

Ashley Thompson, Akwesasne Mohawk Territory
Indigenous/Canadian Studies MA Student, Trent University
Major Research Paper Title: “Haudenosaunee Beadwork: Ancestral Storytelling through
Contemporary Beadwork”

Kyle Moes
Sustainability Studies MA student, Trent University
On the land learning: utilizing wilderness skills and deep nature connection to cultivate personal resilience, cultural repair, and embodied relationship with the Earth


Current Courses: Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario

Graduate Level (Indigenous Studies PhD):

Graduate Seminar in Indigenous Knowledge

Practicum Field Placement


Undergraduate level:

Indigenous Knowledges, Water and the Great Lakes

(cross listed Indigenous Studies, Indigenous Environmental Studies and Sciences, Environmental Recourse Studies)

Foodways of the Indigenous Peoples of the Great Lakes Basin I and II

(cross listed Indigenous Studies, Indigenous Environmental Studies and Sciences, Environmental Recourse Studies, Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems)

Foundations in Indigenous Environmental Studies and Sciences

(ICR: Indigenous Course Requirement)

Previous Undergraduate Courses, Trent University:

Indigenous Knowledge Systems and the Environment

Foundations for Indigenous Learning: Writing

Foundations for Indigenous Learning: Research

Barbara Wall PhD

Associate Professor and Dual-Tradition Scholar

Trent University

Chanie Wenjack School for Indigenous Studies

Indigenous Environmental Studies and Sciences Program

Indigenous Studies PhD Program, Director of Studies

-Living and working in Treaty 20 (and Williams Treaty)-

-The traditional territories of the Michi Saagiig Anishinaabe-